BrainKeeper Program 🧠🐝

The road to unlocking substantial rewards and promoting cognitive health and performance

Welcome Potential BrainKeepers

BrainKeeper Types

There are 2 types of BrainKeepers:

BrainKeeper: Free to join, with benefits including direct referrals (25% on direct referrals).

Certified BrainKeeper: Requires a course, unlocking additional indirect referrals (15% on referrals made by your referrals) and extra rewards.

BrainKeeper Program Details Tutorial


The Human66 program is available for early enthusiasts to try out. However it is in it's alpha stage and the official launch will be in January 2025.

Ready? Click Below To Become A BrainKeeper 🎉

Watch this 5 minute video that explains the steps in this document.

Last updated