Brain Training

Training your brain is an essential piece to the challenge. That is why we use NeuroTracker, as it is one of the most scientifically backed tools for increasing cognitive function.

Thanks to over 100 published papers, NeuroTracker training has been proven to improve:

  • 🔍 Attention

  • 🎯 Focus

  • 👀 Awareness

  • 🗂️ Working Memory

  • ⚡ Processing Speed

  • 🤔 Decision-Making

  • ✨ Cognitive Performance

  • 🏅 Sport-Related Cognitive Skills

  • 👁️ Motion Perception

  • 🏃 Motor Performance

  • 📚 Learning Capacity

You can read more about that here

What is NeuroTrackerBenefits of NeuroTracker

How To Use NeuroTracker

To use NeuroTracker you simply have to purchase a plan on the website, get your 3D glasses submitted to you and follow the training instructions. Read more about that here

How to Use NeuroTracker


Last updated